Unique ZTX™ platform

BioReperia´s unique ZTX™ platform provides in-vivo data on tumor regression and metastasis inhibition of compounds.

One platform, multiple purposes

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The zebrafish at embryo and larval stages is used as model organism

At this early stage, the embryo´s immune system is not yet developed, which allows human cells to grow within the embryo without risk of rejection.
At these stages, zebrafish embryos are not considered research animals and do not require ethical permissions for the experiments.
At these stages of development, the embryo is transparent, allowing a clear view in the microscope of the growing fluorescent-labeled human cancer cells.
The fast development of the embryo enables rapid vascularization of the developed microtumor, allowing cells to disseminate from the primary tumor site to the vasculature and to the surrounding tissues.
The solid tumor is vascularized within 3 days and allows metastasis invasion, which makes this an excellent tool to screen tumor regression and metastasis invasion.
A tumor microenvironment can be reconstituted within 3 days and allows metastasis invasion, which makes this an excellent tool to screen tumor regression and metastasis invasion.
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